

Just Say No To Liquid Drain Cleaners

When you find that a drain in your home is clogged, the first thought that often comes to mind is the cost of a visit from a plumber. And the next thought is how to avoid that expense while still restoring the function of your drain. Unfortunately, the solution that many homeowners select is a trip to the store for a bottle of chemical drain cleaner. But what they are not aware of is that the bottle of liquid they are about to pour down the drain could create substantially more damage than any clog could ever create.

Why Are Chemical Drain Cleaners Dangerous For Pipes?

The hydrochloric acid and other less well-known acids are meant to eat away at the clog that is hampering your drain. But, unfortunately, the acids can only come into contact with a small portion of the surface area of the clog. So they have a difficult task ahead of them. But what they are touching is a lot of the drain line that is near the clog.

So the acid has as much of a chance of melting away your drain line as it does the clog. Only a tiny amount of heat is reaching into the clog, but your drainpipe is taking the brunt of the acid’s heat and destructive powers. Then when it comes time to flush the pipe with water as the bottle instructs, you are filling the line again to potentially overflow with all that chemical-laden water as the clog is still firmly in place.

Beware Of Health And Safety Risks

If you read any of the fine print on the label of the drain cleaner bottle, you saw all of the warnings about not getting the caustic liquid on your skin or breathing the fumes. That information should give you a lot more insight into the potential hazards of using the product in your drain pipes. Sure, you can wear long sleeves and be careful when pouring the drain cleaner. But there is little you can do when it comes to avoiding the chemical fumes that will fill your home. And if anyone in the house has breathing challenges, these fumes can be debilitating. You should also be careful about exposing your pets to these awful fumes as it can trigger breathing issues for them as well.

A Short-Term Fix At Best

If the clog in your drain is relatively tiny, you could have the good fortune of a partial clog removal when using chemical drain cleaners. However, that is likely to be the best-case scenario. The chemicals will do nothing to remove all of the sticky residue lining the drain pipes and will undoubtedly create future clogs. Fortunately, there is a better solution that is safe for you, your loved ones, and your drain lines.

The Complete Clog Removal Solution

A professional drain cleaning is the only way to completely remove all drain clogs and the nasty residue that will create future clogs. And even more important, this process uses nothing but a potent jet of pure water to blast away clogs and scrub the residue from the drainpipe walls. In the hands of an experienced licensed plumber, this piece of equipment is the answer to all your drain woes. It eliminates clogs, foul odors, and the potential for future clogs.

Call (701) 402-6442 to schedule a professional drain cleaning with the experts at Total Care Plumbing. Our team has years of experience safely cleaning the drain lines in thousands of homes . We are so sure of the exceptional results of this service that we back our drain cleaning service with a full warranty.