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What to Do Before Calling for Emergency Plumbing Help During the Holidays

Plumbing emergencies are often a nightmare. They’re especially troubling during the holidays when your home is filled with friends and family. They can potentially cause you to have to relocate everyone elsewhere if the problem is severe, which can really put a damper on your celebrations. Because emergency plumbers are usually busier during this time of the year due to plumbing emergencies increasing around the holidays, there are some steps you can take before calling a plumber to prevent further damage.

Shut Off the Water

Before you do anything else, shut off the water. If the plumbing emergency involves a sink, toilet, or some other appliance, you can shut off the water valves that are associated with them. Unfortunately, you’ll need to shut off your main water supply if the emergency involves your tub, shower, or piping. Shutting off the water prevents further damage from occurring.

Clean Up the Mess

After you shut off the water, clean up the mess. The longer you allow the mess to sit, the chances of mold growth and more severe property damage increase. Use a wet and dry vac, sanitize the area, and dry it well with towels or fans. If there’s furniture or other items that are water damaged, you need to get rid of them, as they’ll be vectors for all sorts of bacteria and pathogens to grow. Changing shape and color are primary signs of water damage.

Assess Whether You Can Wait Until the Next Day

Some plumbing emergencies can wait until the next day, especially if they don’t necessitate shutting off the main water supply or don’t impact the only bathroom in your home. Waiting can save you from paying premium fees that plumbers normally charge when matters are extremely urgent.

If a Sewage Backup Occurs

Sewage backups are severe emergencies that necessitate calling for help immediately because waiting for any length of time can be detrimental. Inhaling vapors from raw sewage can pose serious health risks that can even lead to death, such as conditions that can cause organ failure. If a sewage backup occurs, plan for your family and your guests to stay in a different location, as nobody can remain in the house until the problem is fixed entirely.

If you’re contending with a plumbing emergency during the holidays, don’t lose hope! Contact Total Care Plumbing for all of your emergency plumbing needs, and we’ll work hard to restore your plumbing in your Grand Forks, ND home to normal function in no time.